- All children should be reading regularly, preferably at least 5 times a week.
- For infants, reading should be with an adult, sharing the comic/phonics book and their sharing/reading book. Adults should sign the reading record following each reading session.
- Year 1 children will have a super reader card to support the reading of high frequency words.
- For juniors, reading can be with an adult or independently completed. Reading with an adult and discussing the book is still beneficial, even when the child is a fluent reader and this is to be encouraged a few times a week. The reading record should be completed by the adult or child following each reading session.
- A guide to support reading with children is shared with parents at the start of each academic year.
- The school library will be open twice weekly after school for parents and children to use.
- Children are given a list of spellings for each term. They are encouraged to learn and practise these spellings at home over the weeks.
- The spellings are based on the national curriculum expectations.
- The words are also referred to in lessons during the term.
- In the last week of the term, the children are tested on the words and the children’s achievements are celebrated.
- Years 1 to 5 will usually be set one weekly task.
- Year 6 will usually be set two weekly tasks.
- These tasks will be maths, English or topic related and be set by the class teacher.
- The class teacher will choose the day that homework is set and then expected to be returned. These days will be set for the year.
- All children from Year R to Year 6 will be provided with a Numbots / TT RockStars login. Numbots builds the children’s knowledge of number bonds and TTRockStars aims to improve the children’s rapid recall of times tables. Details of your child’s login will be sent home. https://numbots.com https://ttrockstars.com/home
- By year 2, all children need to learn their 2x, 5x and 10x tables fluently.
- By year 3, all children need to continue to practise their 2x, 5x and 10x tables but to also learn their 3x, 4x and 8x tables.
- By the end of year 4, all children need to know their times tables up to 12x12, improve the speed of their recall and learn what the corresponding division facts are.
- We know some children prefer the more open-ended and creative type task for homework. However, we are aware that this can also be difficult to fit into busy family time. Therefore, optional creative tasks will be set for terms 1, 3 and 5.
- The creative task will be linked to the topic of the term and will be open-ended to allow the child to choose their own outcome.
- The task will be set at the start of the term. If the child wishes to complete the optional creative task, they can bring in their work in the last week of the term. Children’s work will be acknowledged and celebrated.
Below please find links to some external websites you may find useful to support homework.
TTRockStars - Get competitive with your times tables
Spelling Shed - Practise those spellings!
BBC Schools - Resources and activities
Woodlands Junior School - Covers most subjects
Mad 4 Maths - Maths activities and help
Times Table - 7 Activities to help learn tables
This school cannot be responsible for the content of the Internet Web sites listed on this page.