Our Exciting Curriculum

We offer a relevant, purposeful, enjoyable and creative curriculum

through whole school topics.


English including phonics & reading Maths



History Geography PE Personal, Social & Health Education
Computing Music Art Design Technology

Curriculum intent

Jesus came to bring life in all its fullness and we seek to offer a full, rich and creative curriculum to enable children to reach their God given potential. Through high-quality inspiring teaching and wide-ranging opportunities both within and outside of the classroom, we aim to ignite our children’s love of learning and help them to look beyond the school gates.

At Hernhill we believe that our children will learn most effectively when they have access to a rich, deep and carefully planned curriculum that meets their diverse needs, academically, socially and culturally. 

 To this aim, we have developed (and continue to develop) a curriculum where children gain knowledge and revisit that knowledge over time so that it is firmly embedded. Our thematic approach provides opportunities for children to make links between different areas of the curriculum and so that they can apply their knowledge as skills.

Across the school, we deliver many of the curriculum areas using a thematic approach. We deliver the National Curriculum content with science, history or geography being the key drivers for a topic with the subjects of art, design technology, music, computing and PSHE added to enrich the topic. RE, PE, MFL and maths are taught as separate subjects.

 Curriculum Implementation

We operate a two-year rolling programme of topics with some topics in Year A and some in Year B. This enables year groups and teachers to work together on a similar theme. Our school’s Christian values are interwoven into each topic. Every term, each class also have a "Big Question" to ponder on.

 Teachers follow a clear planning structure for our theme-led curriculum. Curriculum guides are produced to ensure the correct National Curriculum coverage and to outline the key learning questions/enquiries for each term or half term.

Our curriculum guides show clear progression and ‘building up’ of learning/knowledge.

Children’s prior knowledge is assessed at the outset of the topic through key assessment questions and learning planned accordingly.

Curriculum Impact

The effectiveness of our curriculum will be measured by how well our children develop knowledge and skills across the curriculum and, ultimately, how well they achieve. This may be reflected in results from national tests but also, in some cases, by the personal progress made by an individual.

 We use rigorous monitoring throughout the year to gauge the impact of the curriculum design. Alongside senior leadership, our teachers monitor subjects: reviewing learning, evaluating pupil voice, providing individual feedback to move practice forward, celebrating positives and highlighting areas of development.

 If every child has become the very best they can possibly be, and they are well prepared for the next stage of their lives by the time they leave Hernhill CE Primary School, we will be confident our curriculum has done its job.




If you would like to find out more about our curriculum,

please contact Suzanne Carroll our deputy headteacher. scarroll@hernhill.kent.sch.uk