Sport Premium

Funding for Sports

At Hernhill we aim to ensure that the PE and Sport Premium funding is used to make “Effective, Sustainable and High Quality” improvements. Ofsted, who will be monitoring the use of the funding, will be looking for: “How well the school uses its Sport Premium to improve the quality and breath of its PE and sporting provision, including increasing opportunities in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performances they are capable of.”

We also aim to use the investment to find sustainable solutions. We believe in investing first and foremost in existing teaching staff and ensuring that staff are developed professionally. This therefore means a significant investment in teacher support which will be provided by The Herne Bay and East Kent Coastal School Sports Partnership. This will ensure that when the funding ends, the quality of teaching and learning will be sustained.


We have achieved the School Games Platinum award every year since July 2019!


Please click on the link below for the latest published documentation:

PE and Sports Premium Impact Report (digital template) for 2023/24

PE and Sports Premium Impact Report for 2022/23

PE and Sports Premium Impact Report for 2021/22

PE and Sports Premium Impact Report for 2020/21

PE and Sports Premium Impact Report for 2019/20

PE and Sports Premium Impact Report for 2018/19